A NEw book is on the way!

For over two years, just about every Sunday, I have met with writers looking to tell their hardest stories–often hard because they are stories they are still living through. Grief Writing Sundays have meant so much to me, and I wanted to write a book that shared not only our craft lessons, heart, laughter, and community, but the inspired writing from my students that emerged from these sacred sessions. And here it comes–LETTING GRIEF SPEAK: Writing Portals for Life After Loss.

One of the things I am proudest of is that this book will allow me to showcase some of the beautiful writing that has come from my students during these sessions. If you have been a part of Grief Writing Sundays or one of my Grief Writing Workshops, be on the lookout soon for an invitation to submit your work. I want to include as many of you as I can. I want readers to feel like they are really part of our sessions, and I believe the best way to do that is to have them get to know your words.