Hello! Many of you know that I have a new book coming out that is based on my time teaching Grief Writing Sundays. It has been more than two years now since I started offering those “portals” for writing our hard stories, and Letting Grief Speak: Writing Portals for Life After Loss will feature 100 of those writing prompts.

I am also thrilled that the book will include short written responses to those prompts by my past students. So whether you have been coming to Grief Writing Sundays every time, or you just dropped in once or twice, or we met in a Grief Writing Workshop or other class where I presented these ideas, I invite you today to submit a piece you were proud of. 

If you are interested in submitting your work, here is what you need to keep in mind: 

  • You are welcome to submit up to three pieces. 
  • It’s okay if you don’t have the wording of the inspiration portal–but do include it if you have it. 
  • Each submission should be no more than 1200 words, double-spaced. Include a title for each.
  • Please send your submission as a Word document. (No PDFs or links to Google Docs, please.) 
  • Submissions should be emailed to me with GRIEF WRITING BOOK as your subject line.

As you’re considering what to send, please know that I already have writing for the following portals well covered: 

  • A Recipe
  • Safety Instructions
  • Grief World Tour
  • Choose Your Own Adventure
  • Mapmaking
  • The Deepest Pocket
  • The Magic Show
  • The Telescope
  • Odd Techniques and Instructions
  • The Wind Telephone
  • A CraigsList Ad
  • The Grief Dictionary

I know there will be so much beautiful writing that I won’t be able to accept for this book project, and I’m sorry in advance. I’m hoping to include a deep variety of experiences and selections that can serve as solid examples for ways to approach the portals.

While I can’t send the list of all 100 portals out for people at this time, in upcoming Grief Writing Sundays, I’ll be announcing at the end of class the key portals for which I still need writing. These classes meet every two weeks from 2–3pm Eastern Time and are free. Just contact me for the Zoom link if you are interested in attending. Upcoming dates are always listed at I’m also happy to have a conversation with you about any of the writing you’ve done that might fit, even if you don’t remember the name of the portal. Just send me an email!

Submissions will be open until Sunday, March 26.

I will send an email confirmation to let you know I have received your submission, and I’ll follow up with everyone in early April to let you know if I will be able to include your piece in what I submit for my deadline. The final decision on all pieces will come from the press. 

Thank you, and I hope to read your work soon!
